Experience and Food Design

Overall Objetive
To design an experience mediated under the logic of an art gallery in which bread is consumed and exhibited through complementary products, generating in response to the consumer reflections and interpretations on controversial topics
What kind of controversial topics?
- Global warming and Earth environment.
- Racism and inequality.
- Gender equality.
- Abortion.
- Food crisis.
- Death penalty.
- Female empowerment.
- Animal experimentation.
- Unemployment in today’s society.
- Poverty in the world.
- Happiness as a consumer product.
- Corruption.
- Wars.
- “Sick” democracy.
What kind of reflections?
- Critical thinking.
- Analysis.
- Debate.
- Interrogation.
- Awareness.

User persona

Field Work & Experimentation
For the development of the field work, different experiments were carried out with food with the intention of finding an specific aliment that could be adapted to the needs of the project to allow a wide variety of representations through the themes. The experimentation process was carried out under a food metaphor like an artist's canvas, in which he could represent his ideas no matter how far-fetched they were.
Bread was the aliment choosen because it is a very malleable food that offers the possibility of being combined with many other aliments and which could be given polyfunctionality and therefore make many more design proposals.
Therefore, it allows the possibility of offering a large number of artistic representations of themes, it is an honest material, it is cheap , everyone knows it and practically everyone likes it.

Design Proposals
Each design proposal searches to generate critical thinking and reflection in the consumer without being obvious. It’s a project with a mainly artistic vision, where the principles of design, for example, are not so important factors to take into account but rather their symbolic and interpretive representation.

1. Melting of the poles
It is a proposal that seeks to challenge the consumer and put him in an uncomfortable situation, where he does not know where to start consuming and there are high chances of getting dirty. The design is an analogy to the melting of the poles, where the bread symbolizes the ice and the drink the rising sea after global warming.

2. Gender equality
This proposal wishes to awake the analysis in the consumer’s mind, so that each aliment is symbolically associated with female empowerment, the outcome and end of social taboos and gender equality.

3. Animal Experimentation
This proposal is intended to make the consumer experiment and play with himself. He must find a way to consume the food and sooner or later he will resort to getting his hands dirty.

4. Happiness as a consumer product
In this proposal the consumer does not expect what comes to the table as it is a vase and must look for his food. Inside the vase there is a piece of bread full of golden dust, which refers to the treasure that everyone seeks in modern societies.
Happiness blooms inside and not by buying unnecessary things.

5. Political corruption
This proposal refers to the corruption that is happening today in many parts of the world, where people with power tend to be rotten and at the same time carry the weight of the victims of corruption on their shoulders.

Consumption utensil:
This wooden utensil was designed to fulfill various functions related to food consumption. In the first instance, the head is used to hit the bread in case it needs to be broken. In the upper part of it there are cavities to scratch the bread. The other side of the utensil serves as a spoon, scoop and cutter for food. After a process of research and sketching, the main activities that it had to fulfill for the consumption of bread were: Scratch, Break, Cut, Grab.
Two stages of prototyping were carried out. In the first, the approximate shapes of the designs were made with "basik" cardboard, durex paper and glue in order to check the sizes of the design proposals. In the second stage of prototyping, 3D models were made per piece to later be printed with additive FDM technology.

Croûton Experience
Croûton Bakery
