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"Creation is about being playful"

Sébastien Khoury Rosas is a francocolombian creator with over 8 years of experience in the industry. From a young age, he developed a passion for art and creation and honed his skills through graphic design, visual communication and product design.


Growing up in a family of musicians, Sébastien developed a strong passion for creating his own music, starting with the guitar. Today, he experiments with various styles, particularly in his experimental cinematic compositions, where electronic sounds take center stage in a percussion dance with psychedelic and tropical influences.


Sébastien started his professional career working for various design firms and honing his craft. He quickly established himself as a sought-after creative, known for developing an aesthetic and playful expression in every project where users felt emotional connections. His design philosophy is centered around the belief that every design should tell a story and evoke an emotional response from the consumer. He is known for his ability to translate creativity into meaningful solutions to complex design challenges.


In 2021, driven by his desire to be a positive “changemaker”, Sébastien founded his own creation collective called “Bicho”, which quickly gained a reputation for creating experiences guided by a character whose purpose is to promote reflection and critical thinking. Bicho’s creations are centered around the idea of generating valuable experiences in order to make the world better through art, painting, illustration, music, food design, product design and even performance. They will carry out projects periodically, where they propose building new realities..

(+57) 317 373 0180

Bogotá, Colombia


What Others Say

"En mis equipos siempre he tenido personas con espíritu y pasión por lo que hacen como creadores visuales, algunos con una buena capacidad para conceptualizar, otros para la investigación, otros para materializar y así cada uno con sus puntos altos en competencias específicas pero la más importante desde mi perspectiva es la pasión y el sentir el diseño como parte de lo que somos como creativos. Sébastien ha sido de los mejores elementos que he tenido en mis equipos como Director Creativo y de Arte a lo largo de mis años en el medio; propositivo, colaborativo, entusiasta, apasionado, pulido, buena línea gráfica, buenas ideas y conceptos fuertes. Si habláramos en otro contexto, “lo quiero siempre en mi 11 titular”, podría decir más cosas pero ya lo descubrirán trabajando con él, un excelente diseñador con un futuro muy prometedor."

- Juan Carlos Ramírez García.

Creative & Art Director, UEB, Bogotá



Let's work together!

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